How To Manage Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?

  • Jan 27, 2025
  • Health Tips

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis comes in the bracket of auto-immune disorders which hampers the functioning of the thyroid gland in the human body. It is also known as Hashimoto's Disease, Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis, or Autoimmune Thyroiditis. It has been seen to be the major cause of hypothyroidism (low hormone secretion in the thyroid gland).

You must be wondering what exactly is “auto-immune”. Well, auto-immune is a disorder in the human body where the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells, tissues, skin, glands, nervous systems, or organs. In the case of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, it is the “Thyroid gland”. In that, the immune system produces antibodies that attack the thyroid gland.

Common Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

People suffering from this disease may not notice any symptoms at the early stages of this disease. They will only notice it when they will face issues because of the irregular secretion of hormones from their thyroid gland.

Note: The most important thing to note about this disease is that the symptoms gradually increase in the body.

Some of the common symptoms of Hashimoto's disease at its early stage include - fatigue or low energymild weight gainsensitivity to coldsslight hair thinning or dry hairconstipationsubtle mood changes such as mild depression or anxiety, etc.

In the later stages, these symptoms will show even worse conditions. The patient may feel extreme fatigue or sluggishness, weight gain that is difficult to lose, dry/ rough/ pale skin color, muscle weakness, puffy face, brittle nails, chronic constipation, brain fog, etc.

Untreated Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can cause some serious complications like depression, goitre, sexual problems, pregnancy issues, heart problems, myxedema, etc.

Causes Of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

What causes Hashimoto’s disease? There can be multiple reasons for this. The accurate reason has not been found yet. According to researchers and medicine experts, it can be caused by to following reasons:

  • Genetically Transmitted - Hashimoto’s disease can also be transferred from parents to their offspring. It is observed that women are most likely to get this disease due to genetic transmission.
  • Environmental Factors - People living in bad environmental conditions are also most likely to get this disease. It may include infections, viruses, stress triggers, radiation exposure, etc.
  • Age factor - The chances of getting Hashimoto’s disease increase with age. People in their old age or middle age are seen to get this disease more.
  • Other Diseases - Patients who are already suffering from some auto-immune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Addison disease, or Type 1 diabetes can also develop Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in their body.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Treatment

Generally, people suffering from hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis go through lifelong treatment. At Healthier SideUp, we understand that Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can cause two conditions in patients. The first one is mild or subclinical hypothyroidism, and the second one is clinical hypothyroidism. The treatment varies for both these levels. Let’s see what is normally done in these cases.

  • Mild or Subclinical Hypothyroidism Treatment

In this case, the patient has high thyroid antibody levels and regular thyroid function tests (TSH and Free T4). There is not much treatment involved for Mild Hypothyroidism. The doctor is most probably going to ask you for one or two TSH-level checkups per year.

  • Clinical Hypothyroidism Treatment

In this case of Hypothyroidism, the patient has low thyroid anti-body levels and significantly high TSH levels. For this, the medications involved are thyroid hormone replacement (like levothyroxine taken through the mouth). For this, the doctor may also do some further treatments as per your condition.

Thyroid Management (Effective Thyroid Diet Plans)

How to manage Thyroid Symptoms? What is the right lifestyle for thyroid patients? Thyroid is a lifelong disease that has the potential to hamper one's daily life. To help you live your life to the fullest without compromising health we are providing you some hacks.

1). Follow Your Doctor: Be it regular check-ups, medications, or advice you must follow whatever your doctor is telling you to do. Avoiding that can cause you many new problems.

2). Avoid Fast Food & Processed Food: Processed foods contain preservatives, artificial flavour, artificial sweeteners, sodium, iodine, additives, chemicals, etc which will negatively affect the functioning of your thyroid gland. It can both increase and decrease the levels of your thyroid gland hormone secretion. So better is to avoid those.

3). Follow A Balanced Diet: A healthy balanced diet covering major nutrients specifically designed for the thyroid is something you should have. For both mild and clinical hypothyroidism, a suitable Thyroid management diet plan can help you stay healthy and full of life. For the same, you can check our plans too.

4). Daily Exercise Routine: Having a suitable and effective exercise routine is always a healthy decision for someone suffering from a thyroid disease. And that should be done according to your body type and thyroid levels. We at Healthier Side Up, are providing dedicated coaches who will guide you in your Thyroid Management.

5). Get A Good Night's Sleep: All those who have irregular thyroid levels must try to get a good night's sleep daily. This will also boost your other efforts and medications. For that you can do different things like fixing sleeping & waking times, using night theme songs, cutting down light & noise, having a light dinner, or whatever suits you.


Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is a disease that can impact your life to a much larger extent than you can imagine. Other than medical treatment, the patient can include some healthy lifestyle choices to sustain while having this disease. The goal is to manage your life and live a better life.

To help you do even better Thyroid Management, we are offering you the best Thyroid Diet Plans and Coaches. Many thyroid patients have already improved their lifestyle by taking help from us. For any further queries feel free to talk to our experts. We are happy to help you.

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